Calmark offers the Series 165 and 166 Card Retainer as the answerto PC card heat sinking and grounding problems. The Series 165 and 166 providesan excellent thermal path from the card to the chassis. Alloy 10 berylliumcopper furnishes exceptionally high thermal conductivity ( 1600 BTU/sq. ft/°F) and electrical conductivity (48-55% IACS). FEATURES: - Coined edges allow smoothinsertion and extraction without damage to card.
- Spring fingers hold cardagainst rigid side for thermal and electrical contact. Also provides dampeningunder shock and vibration.
- Mounting holes are offset fromcard path and occur every inch, offering a choice of mounting patterns andmaximum contact with chassis.
- Independent sections maximizecontact with card.
- Turned in tabs and rigid walllimit card excursion under dynamic loading.